Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Sugar Cookies

This is my first attempt to bake cookies and I started with basic sugar and butter cookies I made a shape of square but after baking they endup with round I have seen lot of wonderfull and yummy cookies baked by fellow bloggers ,inspired by them and started baking and the final result of my cookies are OKEY
(but not so perfect) and i have taken this recipe from Asha ji's "Foodies hope "

Ingredients :
1 cup all purpose flour, 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1/4 tsp soda, 1/4 tsp salt ,1/2 cup soft butter,1/3 cup sugar ( I used sugar powder) ,1/2 tsp vanilla extract ,1/2 cup chopped cashews ,sugar for sprinkle
Cream butter and sugar until fluffy , shift all the above dry ingredients
Add the dry ingredients in batches to the creamed butter and sugar mixture
Make a soft dough, divide in to equal parts ,shape as u like ,sprinkle with sugar and cashews and refrigerate for 1/2 hour
Preheat oven to 350 and bake for 12 to 15 min
cool and done .


  1. Yummy cookies.I too makes these. nice pictures too.

  2. hey Photo is very good.
    hmm recipe also looks yummy...

  3. very pretty cookies. no matter how we bake cookies, they always end up round. ;)

  4. Sagari these look wonderful! I love the colour I bet they taste gorgeous. Lovely pictures too. :-)

  5. Sagari, your cookies look great .I am still a fresher when it comes to baking, But will surely give this one a try.Thanks for visiting my blog.Best wishes.

  6. Wow! Very nicely baked! I am all set to bake my cookies sometime soon. After all Santa is waiting!!:-) Thanks for sharing

  7. The pictures of cookies are very nice!

  8. Hey.. nice picture.. colour of the cookies is superb.. feel like having it..:)

  9. First picture is very attractive. looks yumm

  10. First try at baking? I must say that you are pretty good!!! Your cookeis look gr8...

  11. Thanks for stopping by earlier today on nourishingdelights.

    Your blog is amazing and the pics are absolutely gorgeous! :o)

    Can't wait to read more!

  12. i didnt try cookies..but this recipe gives me inspiration to try it..thx sagari!

  13. Excellent for the first time Sagari, from now on it will be easy sailing.. lovely pics :)

  14. They look wonderful..and there a lot of us who are still lurking around being newbies at baking..

  15. Hey it looks delicious. For a first time cookie baker a big thump up

  16. The butter/ fat in cookies make them turn out round. I'm sure they tasted nice. Don'y worry, most of us start out making mistakes.

  17. Looking at the first pic. I thought that it was a milk sweet.. I think this type of cookie was also my first when I tried back home... Love them.

  18. Whatever the shape is.... They always taste gr8!

  19. Nice one Sagari, don't worry about the cookies loosing shape, they always do. Since the butter to flour ratio is high in this cookie, the cookie dough will spread when you bake it. But it is an awesome dough to make cutout shapes. Tastes great no matter what the shape is. Happy holidays.

  20. I love those square cookies, looks great to me!:)
    Try the Vanilla butter cookies I posted today, can't go wrong.Got to chill the dough for 1/2 an hour.

  21. Hey Sagari..

    The cookies look amazing..I have never baked sugar cookies from scratch before.. always used the shortcut cookie dough..

    Will definetly give this a try..

  22. Sagari,

    Lovely cookies..

    Will definetly give it a try.
    Thanks for sharing..


  23. Hi Sagari,

    Don't worry....no one are expert here.....everyone has become expert only by practice...even it had happend many times for me.

  24. Who cares what shape they are, I am sure they were tasty! Looks very yummy :)

  25. those sugar cookies looks really delicious!!

  26. The cookies looks great. By the way thanks for dropping by the my blog. Hope to see you again.

  27. Its raining cookies every where in Blog world!:)..
    Looks fantastic for a new baker!:)

  28. Sagari they do look so yummy!!!Lovely photos too :)

    Rosie x

  29. Hello Sagari,

    I wish you a good end of 2007 and a good year of 2008.

  30. These look delicious, Sagari lovely pics.

  31. Hey Saagari, Cookies look great, tht too for a first time. I went thru a bunch of disasters..U get round frm squares , thts great..I dint get them round even after shaping them round the first few times ;)...

  32. Needless to say, sugar cookies look absolutely gorgeous. Hard to believe that it's your first try.
