Friday, January 11, 2008



For making truffles u need :
1/4 cup heavy cream
2 bars bittersweet chocolate baking bars, broken in to small pieces
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa
In a small pan, bring the cream to a simmer. Remove from the heat and stir in the chocolate and butter. In a medium sized pan simmer 2 cups of water then place the pan with chocolate over the simmering water pan Stir mixture until chocolate has completely melted on a low flame. Pour the chocolate mixture into a another bowl. Cool, cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours take out chocolate from refrigerator scoop 2 spoons of cold ,firm chocolate in to hands and roll in to round shape and place on a parchment paper make rounds with rest of cooled chocolate ( dipping hands in cold water in the middle while making balls) sprinkle with cocopowder
u can refrigerate these for up to 2 weeks



  1. You are reminding me again of the Holidays when I had way too many truffles. I love the Lindt's truffles the best and now with your recipe I can try my own.
    Thanks for sharing it!

  2. I recently drooled over these at TBC's blog and now you have these. Looks awesome!

  3. Wow! You made choc truffles at home - that's cool. Looks delicious. Thanks for sharing the recipe, Sagari.

  4. Very nice recipe... I love truffles :)

  5. I felt like I was looking through a chocolate shop window when I saw this post Sagari. These truffles look so good! You make it sound simple but thye look so luxurious, great post. :-)

  6. These look so beautiful!!!!! Love the picture

  7. its fantastic, i doubt i will ever end up making these at home. May be when my sons grow up, i if they desire it, i will make them help me in the kitchen to make truffles.

    Thanks for sharing, will surely be a link for me to refer back to.

  8. yummers!! looks aren't you truffle makers near my place :(

  9. i meant to say 'why' aren't you truffle makers near my place!! i suck at typing for sure

  10. wow i am just drooling at those photos :) nice one!

  11. Those look really good. I am not into too much chocolates..but once in a while..these truffles will be great. Nice pics.

  12. WOW what an awesome treat!! Your truffles look so very professional and what a great post!! Thanks for sharing this great recipe :D

    Rosie x

  13. It looks so yummy, mmm. Great picture.

  14. these are exactly what i need to take away my sadness, your chocolate truffles..they look really yummy :-)i love the photos

  15. am yet to make Truffels. The ingredients tells me that this would have tasted absolute heaven! Some nuts on top would have completed my bliss!

  16. Pass me those and I can show you to finish in 3 mouths !:)
    Sooo yummy ! :)

  17. Cool truffles Sagari, you have me craving for some :)

  18. Nice truffles.. Looks yummy..

    Happy Sankranthi !!

  19. Your truffles look great. There have a been a lot of "chocolatey" posts in the past two months, but there can never be enough of chocolate.

  20. I dont whether to look at ur yummy creation or the pics that are popping out !!!

  21. I can't get my eyes off from these truffles!!:) they look awesome Sagari!

  22. OMG! OMG! Sagari please. I'm trying to stick on a diet. But you are not helping me at all. Looks absolutely decadent and gorgeous. Stunning presentation. Great job girl.

  23. thank uu everyone for your comments
