This is my contribution to this month's WBB cornflakes hosted by nags
4 slices bread
1 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
2 tbs sugar
1 tbs butter
1 cup cornflakes
chocolate syrup or strawberry syrup(store bought)

in a sauce pan warm milk add sugar MIX until sugar melted then add vanilla extract to milk
Pour milk mixture in a plate
Pour corn flakes in another plate
DIP bread slices in milk then in corn flakes on both sides
Heat butter in a pan when melted put bread slices and toast until golden on both sides
Serve warm with chocolate syrup
Sagari, that toast is mouthwatering! Love the photos!:)
looks yum! anything with chocolate is welcome :)
sagari..awesome..i will try this coz i do not eggs too :)
What a nice way incorporate cornflakes to make french toast..hmm..chocolate syrup too.
I've been missing out so many of your posts b'coz I did not add your new link to my reader. Anyway, I'll try to catch up with you soon.
French toast is always my fav and your looks especially delicious. Adding cornflakes is new to me. Got to taste it your way.
lovely toast! thank you so much for the contribution to wbb :)
This looks yummy!! A very nice breakfast idea....
These look superb Sagari, well done!
lovely ttoast sagari! :) Looking perfect! My bread always breaks when I dip into milk!
Love the idea! Eggless french toast, have to try this!
Looks very very nice sagari!!
Wow!!!! This is superb.
Hey Sagari this looks like one indulgent breakfast. :)
Love french toast and that too with this twsit sure to enjoy, sagari. Creative idea. Did you send this WBB event for this month Cornflakes entry
Looks great Sagari - I am not a french toast person, but my hubby loves it!
Thats a great looking toast.. adding cornflakes would sure make it crispy.
Hey Fantastic pics !! Got to try it...
Very creative Sagari, good entry :)
Looks awesome... nice photos!
looks gr8!! will try it with out eggs..
This is what I love about food blogging, you learn something new everyday.
God!!This was what I exactly wanted to do and send for my sisters event..being a little non-confident, I changed my mind and complicated myself making those cookies..
The toasts look just perfect and I love the way you have zigzagged the chocolate sauce on top!!:)
This is realy a unusual toast. Hey i am a adult well most of the time but i would love it too ;-)
Lovely pics and no eggs in afrench toast, that is something
Wonderful recipe! Got to try it!
it is very original! french toast in crispy french husband told me they invented french toast long long time ago to be able to eat old rotten bread..but your version is truly worth a try..thanks for dropping by at my your site! i will add you up in my fave blogroll
Hi Sagari,
What great pics and mouth-watering toast :)
Rosie x
Thanks for dropping by my blog. Lovely way to use cornflakes and a simple one too.
A simple yet innovative Toast recipe. I will try this :)
It is made here too in India and is called as shahi toast. And in place of choclate sauce, condenced milk is poured just before serving.
Thnaks! Pictures are lovely.
Sagari, Loved the idea of using cornflakes in French toast. I don't use eggs there as well. Very creative and a great entry
That's a very nice way of using corn flakes, Sagari.
That looks great and the chocolate topping would've been great.
Thank you so much for posting the eggless version. I love it. Now I got the recipe, it's going to be my special item on week end breakfast. Thanks.
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